A smouldering grid on a cypress stand
Origins of the empirical method
Galileo climbed to the top of the tower from where he addressed his students
as they gazed at him from below: ‘Now watch,’ he called down at them,
‘My left hand holds a miniature day in glass: a row of houses,
between them a street down which an old man walks,
children skating, people shovelling coal, a servant washing clothes.
On my right, a human heart, taken from a corpse found below the city walls
its dark surface blistered and cratered as though every insult, every sorrow
had left its mark. When I let them go, which do you think will fall first?’
But he wasn’t satisfied with their guesses, so he said, ‘Pay attention:
In the palm of my left hand, I’m holding a raindrop. It reflects the sun’s passage
across the blue vaults above as if inscribed in silver. In my cupped right hand
I’m holding a tear I have taken from the corner of an eye
that belongs to a corpse found below the city walls.
Opaque as chalcedony it holds neither joy nor sadness.
Divested of its purpose it no longer shines with hopes or memories.
When I turn my hands over, which will be first to drop to the ground?’
Now there is general consternation in the little group below
and even some vituperation between scientific factions as they form.
Troubled and dispirited by their failure to understand his experiments
Galileo descends from the tower. He asks the students to examine
his left eye, then his right. ‘Out of one’, he says, ‘I see truly
and without aid, how the moon wavers and swings in its path, I pierce
the veils that surround Venus. My other eye perceives halos around bodies
that I know are not there. Which eye should I use to read the charges against me?’
But by this time, however, no-one’s answering and no-one’s guessing.
Having found the demonstrations difficult and perplexing,
the students have left for a popular bar in the centre of Pisa
where they are enjoying their beers. From under the awnings
they are watching raindrops falling from the sky
like tinsel or snow, held and shaken inside a huge glass dome.
Highly commended, 29th Melbourne Poets Union International Poetry Prize 2024